by Jackie Galvin, director of development and communications | September 6, 2016
When I attended Mass on Sunday, I was so happy to hear the name of our Church’s newest saint, “St. Teresa of Calcutta,” revered and appealed to for her intercession for our many needs. Although I cannot say I knew Mother Teresa, I think many of us feel as though we did. Through her writings and books, so many of us found ourselves personally connected to this tiny nun and inspired by her acts of great love.
As I reflected more deeply on Mother Teresa’s work, it reminded me so much about St. Jeanne Jugan’s mission which began in the 1800s. While living centuries apart, each of these simple women made it their life’s work to bring comfort, care, and dignity to the poor and suffering. For Mother Teresa that work began by caring for the sick and dying in India, and for Jeanne Jugan that work began by caring for the elderly poor in France. By simply taking a chance and answering God’s call, from each of their humble beginnings grew religious communities of women all over the world. Continuing in their mother foundresses’ footsteps, the Missionaries of Charity and the Little Sisters of the Poor seek and find the face of Jesus every day in the people entrusted to their care.
So this year, as we continue to celebrate the very first feast day of St. Teresa of Calcutta, which was yesterday, September 5, and continue to celebrate the feast day of St. Jeanne Jugan, which was August 30, let us honor their commitment to answering God’s call by taking a genuine leap of faith in our own lives. Whatever it is that God is asking you to do, do it. As you can see by the exemplary lives of these two women, great things happen when we do the will of God.
Until Next Time,