“Depuis plusieurs annees, Monseigneur Hoban, Eveque de Scranton desirait avoir les Petites Soeurs des Pauvres dans son diocese; il etait venu a Brooklyn voir notre Bonne Mere Provinciale, sans pouvoir obtenir cette faveur, …”
“For a few years already, Most Reverend Hoban, Bishop of Scranton, wanted to have the Little Sisters of the Poor in his diocese; he came to Brooklyn to see “our good” Mother Provincial without being able to receive this grace…”
This is the excerpt from our Foundation Book, recounting the first beginnings of the Little Sisters in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Things started to happen quickly when Mr. Martin Maloney agreed to buy property and to provide funds for the building of the first Home.
Thanks to the generosity of many caring individuals, the Sisters have been blessed and able to surround our Residents with attention and affection for over 100 years.
Holy Family Residence:
Little Sisters of the Poor
2500 Adams Avenue
Scranton, PA 18509
For more information about Saint Jeanne Jugan and the Little Sisters of the Poor, click here.