“What pleases God the most, is when we let him take care of us,” explained Father James Rafferty, vocation director for the Diocese of Scranton, as he addressed more than 50 people in the chapel of Holy Family Residence for the November installment in the Little Sisters’ “Year of Faith” series.
During his talk, Father explained that in order to continuously build our faith, we must build a greater dependence on God. While we can indeed do this because we are designed in God’s image, why do so many of us struggle with it? Why is it we can’t just “let go, and let God?”
According to Father Rafferty, the key to building the faith to “let go, and let God,” is to share every aspect of our lives with God – the good and the bad. Although letting God share in the good is easy to do, Father stressed we also need to do the much more challenging work of sharing our hurts and failings with him. For when we entrust these aspects of our lives to him and later see the good that comes from those experiences, our faith does indeed grow.
To listen to Father Rafferty’s talk, please click here.