If you were in Scranton on March 4, you may have felt the ground shake because our Home was really rockin’ – from rocking chairs that is.
On a sunny Sunday afternoon, approximately 100 people participated in our Home’s annual Rock-A-Thon. The Rock-A-Thon, which is a fundraiser where children from local schools and youth groups as well as Residents’ family members form teams and garner donations with the goal of their team raising the most funds for the Residents.
Upon their arrival at the Home, the teams gave their donations to the Sisters and then quickly moved to our auditorium to begin decorating their rocking chairs. Some of the school teams adorned their chairs in their school colors while other teams gave their chairs a more “angelic” look. (Take a peek at the photos in the slide show, and you’ll see what we mean.) Regardless of the color or style, all 12 looked great, but only one could receive the coveted “Best Chair” award at the end of the day.
Once the chairs were decorated, the next phase began … rocking! And boy did we rock! The teams not only rocked in the chairs, but also rocked the dance floor! The excitement amongst the crowd was so exuberant that the kids led the Residents out on the dance floor to join in the fun too! Between all of the rocking and dancing as well as karaoke, everybody needed a short rest. But lucky for us, the juggling troupe from St. Gregory’s Academy entertained us with their amazing skills while we caught our breath. Following the jugglers’ performance, the rocking once again kicked into high gear and continued until 4 p.m.
At the conclusion of the rocking, Mother Maureen awarded the first, second, and third prizes to the teams who raised the most funds as well as to the team with the most creatively decorated rocking chair. All of the winning teams received trophies as well as prize bags filled with movie passes, gift certificates to local restaurants, and candy.
We extend our thanks to the following individuals and businesses for providing prizes for the winning teams as well as for our basket raffle at this event: Arcaro and Genell’s, Jim and Mary Lou Burne, Cinemark 20 and XD, The Dough Company, Dunkin’ Donuts, Grande Pizza, Grotto Pizza, Ann Kachuk, Mary Kane, Pete and Marycarol Kanton, Katrina’s Pizza & Hoagies, King’s College, Krispy Kreme, Marquee Cinemas, Marywood University, McDonald’s, Mercury 1-Hour Cleaners, Pehr’s Pizza, Rodano’s Pizza, Roseanna’s Pizza, Ed and Barbara Scacchitti, Schiff’s, Sno Mountain/Sno Cove, Sonic, South Side Bowl, The University of Scranton, Viewmont Mall, and Wilkes-Barre Movies 14.
Rock with us!. Click here to view photos from this event.